Carl's Sims Medieval Video Game Strategy Guide
Game Cheats, Walkthroughs, Tips, and Information to Help Players

Welcome to our Sims Medieval Strategy Guide. We've put a lot of love into covering this game, and hope to help players from around the world to achieve Platinum rankings on every quest. Our tips will help you to improve your gameplay and we reveal all of our secrets to success. The Sims Medieval is a Life Simulation/Role Playing Game hybrid, based on EA's popular franchise.
Hero Guides
The stars of the show in The Sims Medieval are the heroes. Our guides to these classes cover everything. Learn about the actions they can take, their special abilities, and how to earn money with each. Includes in-depth information like an assessment of the Wizard's Spell List, and all the Poisons of a Spy.
Sims in Medieval get to choose two traits. Read our guide with a full list that offers insights into the perks they provide to your Sims. But, their third choice must be one of many..
Fatal Flaws
Every Hero in The Sims Medieval must have a weak point. This is a new concept for The Sims series. One of the game's challenges is to overcome your Hero's Fatal Flaw. We've detailed how each will afflict your Hero, and what you can do to battle their urges. Pick a Fatal Flaw suited to your Hero, and you'll hardly know it's there.
Legendary Traits
Heroes who complete one of the few Quests which offer a Legendary Trait will get to replace their Fatal Flaw with one of these. Check this page for descriptions of all of the Legendary Traits, what Quests make them available, and what they'll do for your Heroes.
Sims Medieval Forum
To further aid players, and enable discussion about this game, we've set up a section of our Sims 3 Forum. This new category is dedicated only to The Sims Medieval. We encourage Sims fans of all kinds to join our friendly and helpful community.
Game Concepts
The Sims Medieval featues a lot of new concepts for The Sims series veterans. Read about how all of these game mechanics fit together. Knowledge of how it all works is one of the first keys to success. Learn about the Buildings you can place in your Kingdom, and what aspects they provide capacity for. Some provide bonuses in other ways, such as free drinks at the Tavern.

Learn about passing Edicts as a Monarch or improving your Kingdom's Aspects. Great benefits come to a land with high Knowledge, Well-being, Security, and Culture. Got a mugging problem? Load up on security. Make your Heroes gain experience faster with high Kingdom Knowledge. Allow your Sims to be chosen by the Watcher with high Culture. With a solid Well-being score, your Heroes will earn greater monetary rewards for completing Quests.
Kingdom Ambitions
We have provided a list of all Kingdom Ambitions and their requirements. This isn't just some list-goodness so you can see it all at glance.There's more. Click the individual KA's like New Beginnings and get helpful tips for achieving platinum. Share them with me, and I'll put them up on the page so we can further help the Simmers out there.
Foreign Kingdoms
Allying with foreign nations in the game leads to bonuses for your Kingdom that will make heavy impacts on your gameplay. Learn about the various foreign lands and the benefits they'll bestow upon your citizens and Heroes. For example, Aarbyville will increase your Heroes' Quest XP and Gold gains, while Gastrobury makes food last longer before rotting and doubles the duration of food buffs. Learn the step-by-step process to forming one of these Alliances and the trade benefits they'll provide to your kingdom.
Cooking and Brewing Recipes
Every Sim loves a nice meal. Learn the various recipes in the game to boost your Hero's focus. High focus leads to Platinum Quest Awards, and the foundation for that is a good meal. This will help you to decide what to cook with the ingredients your Hero has on hand. A little fishing or a trip to the Village Shoppe goes a long way!
Questing Guide
Learn about the rewards of Questing and how the system works in The Sims Medieval. As nearly every other facet of our strategy guide is done, we're now working to add Quest walkthroughs to help players who get stuck.

Game Cheats
If you're really stuck in the game, or would like to play around with the powerful Cheats of The Sims Medieval, I've provided a list of commands for you. The Sims 3 players will be familiar with Testing Cheats, and they are available in this game as well. I warn you, cheating in this game will destroy the challenge and sense of accomplishment. Still, you can dramatically change your gameplay if you need to switch up the place. There are cheats to disable Daily Responsibilities, and even give yourself more Quest Points and RP.