The Sims Medieval Quest Guide
Quests are an integral part of The Sims Medieval experience. They are a chain of events with storytelling and an overall objective. Completing them is the only way to improve your Kingdom's Aspects (Well-being, Knowledge, Security, and Culture), and they lend a hefty XP and Simole bonus when finished. This Quest Guide for Medieval will give you information to help you complete quests and understand their role in the game's mechanics.
Quest Points (QP)
Quest Points are a non-renewable resource while attempting a Kingdom Ambition. You are given a set number of Quest Points to spend, and each quest will be denoted with a cost in QP. When you run out of QP, the Kingdom Ambition is completed and you're sent to the score screen for your ranking. When seeking a Kingdom Ambition, Quest selection can be crucial. Some of the lower-cost Quests can provide more bang for your buck if you score a Plantium in them, giving your Heroes more experience and gold, while giving extra points in one of the four Kingdom Aspects. Completing Quests is the only way to earn RP for placing buildings and annexing territories.
If you'd like to cheat to raise QP you can do that, but it involves editing a Sims Medieval configuration file.
Choosing a QuestYour Quest selection is determined by what buildings are placed in the Kingdom. You will not see Spy-only quests if you haven't built a Spy Quarters, for example. Placing a building can re-roll the Quests you can select, and will often feature something exclusive to the Hero Class you just unlocked. Place a Jacoban Monastery, and you're likely to get a Quest for the Jacoban Priest. You can cheat to change the quest selection by pressing Control + Shift + C without the Quests window open, and typing rerollquests.
Quests can involve more than one hero. Others will come in as a Secondary or Supporting Role. If you lack any of the required Heroes for a specific approach you won't be able to take on the quest. The only Quests I've seen appear in the list that I couldn't complete were those that are unlocked by Allying with a foreign territory like Gastrobury. The Quest is there to show you what you neeed. In all other cases, the Quest selection was based on things I could do by creating a hero in a building I already placed, or I already met all requirements.
When selecting a Quest, you will get to choose an approach. Various approaches may net different benefits for the Kingdom's Aspects. Your options will be limited at first. If you don't like the approach you're given, simply choose another Quest and come back later after you've placed appropriate buildings and generated the required Heroes. You can see the requirements for the approach by hovering over the Hero icons in the center of the Quest pane. You may be able to choose among your various Heroes to satisfy the requirements of an approach. Note that Hero level sometimes matters when determining eligibility, as well as other factors such as whether they have a child or spouse.
Quest Performance
To the left of your screen will be a bar that shows your current Quest Performance. If you aren't falling behind and the Hero's focus is at least slightly green, it will slowly tick upward. Quest Performance is determined as an average of the Heroes' focus when you're doing one that involves multiple Heroes. One fully green and the other slightly red will keep it improving. When you complete the last step in a quest, your current performance level (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum) determines the reward you'll receive.
Improving or Falling Behind in Quest Performance
The first thing to do when you begin a Quest is to improve your Primary Hero's focus. This will get the performance bar moving upward while you're doing even mundane tasks. The bar will move faster on a short Quest. While you are given a degree of freedom in choosing when to complete the next step in a chain, you will gradually begin to fall behind if you aren't completing the steps. Medieval expects you to complete one step in the Quest each day. The game will warn you by giving a 'Falling Behind on Quest' buff, which becomes more nasty with 'Dangerously Behind on Quest'. If you bottom out in the quest performance metric, you'll fail the Quest. Simply complete a couple steps when this happens, and get your progress stabilized. Having a red Focus meter will always result in the progress bar decreasing.
Achieving Gold and Platinum Ratings
All Quests begin at Silver, and will fall to Bronze if you aren't keeping the Hero's Focus at least neutral or falling behind. Achieving Gold and Platinum means working out a balance between daily activities and completing steps in the chain. Rushing through Quests will result in a Silver or Gold. If you hold out, and keep the Hero's Focus high while seeking money or experience, while gradually completing steps, you will eventually reach Platinum.
Completing a Quest at Platinum ranking will always give a perk, be it more XP, RP, and Simoles, or bonuses to the Kingdom Aspect points. This is the most desirable outcome, and should be pursued in all Quests if you want a Platinum score on your Kingdom Ambition in the end. In our guides to individual Quests, we'll give you the name of a step very near the end of the Quest, so that you can draw it out until the bar reaches Platinum level. The Primary Hero will earn a ton of XP and Simoles for completing a quest, which will give you a boost in your future endeavors with that Hero. You'll be able to afford a better bed, eat better food. It all gets a lot easier with level and wealth. Some quests involve steps that will change your Heroes forever. You can do a quest to remove a Fatal Flaw and turn it into a Legendary Trait, for example. Others are less blatant. Wizards learn Spells and Blacksmiths learn to craft new weapons and armor through multiple Quests.
Free Time Quest
After completing a Kingdom Ambition, or at any time while playing the Eternal Kingdom Ambition, you can select Free Time or Free Time with Responsibilities. These two options allow your Heroes to gain XP, practice their trade, and socialize without worry of Quest time limits.