The Sims Medieval Knight Hero Class Guide
Fighting, Leveling, and Earning Money with the Profession

Hero Overview
Knights are skilled with the sword, and help to protect the Kingdom. Quests that involve the Knight will generally improve the security Kingdom Aspect, which will help to reduce costs in shops, and eventually eliminate muggings altogether. They are a very straightforward hero Profession to play, but it can be challenging to make money at lower levels. This Guide to the Knight in The Sims Medieval will help you get started.
Leveling the Knight
Knights are pretty easy to level. Like every other Hero type, they will get the bulk of their experience from Quests. Their repeatable XP options are training on dummies at the Training Yard or upstairs in the Barracks, and strategizing at the War Table there. Practicing War Strategy actually gives a great xp-hour ratio. They'll also gain XP while hunting, patrolling, and dueling other Sims. Sticking their blade to someone's throat to jack their money will also earn some XP. I recommend you upgrade the Knight's cooking pot to a Spit as early as you can. This will give them longer duration buffs and is a great way to use that expensive Boar meat they can pick up by hunting. Even better, get some ingredients at the Village Shoppe. Venison + Spices + Salt = filling Jerky which doesn't rot! Decorate their Quarters to improve their mood while sleeping, and of course upgrade their bed. With each level gained, a Knight becomes more proficient in combat.

Knights have more limited options for making money than other Hero Professions. However, that's not to say they're particularly bad at it. The easiest way to make cash is to head into the forest and hunt. Keep some of the meat to cook, and sell the excess. Upgrade your gear to improve your Knight's chances of making it through a hunt without getting wounded, and always go with decent focus. Complete Quests to raise their experience level and up their daily salary. Another option is to bully other Sims by selecting the Knight - Threaten for Money interaction. This can yield some big bucks, but sometimes Sims will fight back. Still, it's quick and dirty money. Another means is to perform the various rabbit-hole tasks Knights can take up. Patrol the High Seas or roads to foreign lands and choose carefully when a random opportunity presents itself.
Good Traits and Fatal Flaws for a Knight
Many fights take place outdoors and Knights can train and hunt in the wilderness, so why not take the Earthy trait for a +20 focus buff when outdoors? Adventurous is also a good trait choice. It will allow them to go on an Adventure any time they could be hunting. This will give them a nice focus buff and should be done once a day when you have time. Bloodthirsty is up in the air as a Fatal Flaw. It can get annoying being forced to duel so often, especially if the Knight is already injured. Unless your Kingdom has a great Physician around, I'd avoid it. Go with Cruel or Insecure instead. They can be solved by simply talking to another Sim without risk of injury.
The Barracks
Placing a Barracks in your Kingdom will increase security aspect capacity by +4. The Barracks attaches to the western side of the castle and comes with a Training Yard (near the Pit of Judgment) to give them more room to practice sword fighting. The Knight's Quarters are cramped with a shoddy bed and cooking pot. Upstairs is a training dummy and war table for gaining experience. If you should spend any money upgrading the Training Yard, note that the funds come from the Monarch, so you can probably make it a better place to practice if your Monarch has the funds.
Sword Fighting
Knights are one of three classes that can engage in melee combat in The Sims Medieval, along with the Spy and Monarch. They get the same intractions as the others: Spar, Duel, and Duel to the Death. Sparring is friendly, Duel is generally insulting, and Duel to the Death is dangerous and really does result in a Sim's demise. Knights grow to be masters of swordplay, and that's no surprise since it's just about the only thing they do. They'll pick up several skills and combat tones as they rise to power. You should start each day by practicing on a training dummy to get the +10 focus buff and XP for doing that, which will also help your Knight in combat. Here are the various unlocks as the Knight gains levels:

- Level 1: Balanced Stance: A stance with no particular strengths or weaknesses
- Level 1: Hilt Smash: Get the other fighter to the ground and smash them with your sword hilt. Click the target Sim in combat.
- Level 2: Resetful Dance: If you're planning to fight multiple battles, this can conserve stamina. It's rather defensive, and sometimes ends in the other guy giving up out of sheer exhaustion. Good if you have particularly a particularly heavy set of gear
- Level 3: Whirling Takedown: Click the other Sim in combat. This will take them down to the ground, but can only be used so often. It doesn't deliver much damage but is an extra attack.
- Level 4: Steeled Defense: Be a true tank using this stance, which will focus on mitigating damage. Good if your health is low
- Level 5: Mortal Blow: The most powerful special combat move. Has a fairly long cooldown but can deliver big damage if your Sim pulls it off. Use it early and you might get a second shot before combat's over
- Level 5: Furious Onslaught: Focus on attack, but with a weakened defense. Overpower the other fighter and end the fight quickly, but you'll likely take damage in the process and get wounded
- Level 7: True Striking: Great if you have a high power sword. Weakens damage a bit but hits the opponent more often.

Seek out weapon and armor upgrades to increase your Knight's prowess in combat. Getting a Blacksmith in your Kingdom is the best way, but you can at least check the Village Shoppe and Merchant's Market for worthwhile upgrades. Weight will cost you more stamina in combat and is never a good thing, but you have to take the hit early on if you want the defense as the best gear will weight a lot. One of the trends of higher level gear is to have the same defense or attack as a lower item, but greatly reduced weight (Lord's Plate 6 def 6 weight, Adamantle Battleplate 6/4). More weight on a weapon seems to reduce its attack rate. So a weapon like the Precise Scimitar (3 attack, 1 weight) is better than it seems, because it can be swung very often and has a good chance of landing hits. Be sure to sharpen your sword by clicking it in the Knight's inventory before you engage in combat. Warming up for an hour on the training dummy will also help in combat as it gives +10 to focus for 12 hours. Swordplay is very dependent on focus. Unfocused Knights face upsets.
If you have a Blacksmith, you can transfer gear to the Knight after it's been crafted whether the Knight is active in that Quest or not. Simply find the Knight and drag the object out of the Blacksmith's inventory on top of the Knight. This is essential to transfer That Watcher's Blade and Angelsguard you made! The Knight can also pass over that Mystic Metal Fragment they found while patrolling the seaway to Gastrobury. It's a good idea to have a Physician in the realm for the purpose of getting stiched up after combat. In most fights, your Knight's going to get at least a scratch. With a Grievous wound, they'll be in horrible shape and will lose most every fight. Minor Healing Kits can be bought for not too much. They will lower the level of the debuff for a wound by 1 with each use. The higher level your Kingdom's Physician, the better off you'll be.
Patrolling Roads and Seaways
Knights have a special role in your Kingdom. They can patrol roads to foreign lands, or do so at sea. Doing this for a nation will improve your relations. It's also likely to generate random events. It's important to do this from time to time in order to keep the bonuses you have from allying with other Kingdoms. The two roads are off of the Forest and Village Shoppe, while you use the Ship to get to other lands. Each is only accessible through one of these three routes. This is better than passing edicts for keeping up your foreign relations as there is no loyalty hit with the other Kingdoms for doing it often. You'll also gain XP!
Knight Daily Responsibilities

- Discuss Foreign Affairs with a Territory Leader:
- Pay Taxes: Use the post box outside the castle. Level 1-4 $100, 5-9 $250, 10 $500
- Hunt in the Forest: Click the Forest to the left of the castle (facing it)
- Feed the Beast: The Beast in the Pit of Judgment prefers red meat, so get to hunting!
- Duel the Challenger: You seem to face tougher challengers
- Guard Forest Entrance: Click the Forest to the left of the castle
- Train a Sim for 2 Hours: Placing a dummy in the Castle's Throne Room will make it very easy for the Knight to have a training partner at any hour of the day.
- Sharpen Sword: Click the sword in the inventory. Easy +1 Attack!
- Practice Military Strategy with Someone Else: Use the war table in the castle. There are more likely to be Sims around to play with.