The Sims Medieval Monarch Hero Class Guide
Reign over your Kingdom with your King or Queen
by Tom "Metro" Schlueter
Hero Overview
Monarchs are very fun to play in The Sims Medieval. He's the Hero you'll play in the in-game Quest tutorial (First Steps), so chances are, he'll be your first Hero and it's a golden opportunity to learn some of the core game concepts. In this Guide to the Monarch, you'll learn some tips on overcoming the lack of funds in the beginning, Trait/Fatal Flaw choice, as well as unique Monarch interactions.

Leveling the Monarch
As Monarchs gain level, they'll enjoy greater income from their profession, an increased chance of Sims voting favorably on proposed Edicts (a level 10 Monarch's vote counts will be done!), and they'll also gain new combat moves. Practicing military strategy at the Tactical Map and Writing New Laws at the Scribe Table will earn some nice early XP when there's nothing else to do. Stretch out those Quests to gain XP and assure yourself a Platinum medal.
Tax Rate
At level 10, Monarchs have the ability to set the tax rate. This is done through the Archive. This only seems to take effect when you are playing a quest with the Monarch and other Hero Sims. The Monarch's earnings will change dependent on its setting, and you are not required to collect taxes. They come in automatically at noon each day. Setting the Kingdom's tax rate to low will reduce the Monarch's daily income, while high will increase it. Low taxes are recommended as other Heroes often have more to do with Money than the Monarch. High taxes will take about 20% of each Sim's daily income at high level, while giving them an additional 20% at a low rate. Normal is the default, and stays that way until you first set it.

Lord Vincent: "R13."
Prince Bryon: "Miss."
Lord Vincent: "B5."
Prince Bryon: "You sunk my battleship!"
Lord Vincent: "I rocketh."
That other guy: "Jolly good, my Liege!"
Earning Money as a Monarch
Like all professions at early levels, a Monarch will be scraping by just to make ends meet. Try and cap Focus and then send the Monarch off into the forest to Hunt. It may provide some valuable meat you can sell. Whittling is always an option, but what are you going to whittle? A wooden Monarch bobblehead that sells for 7 Simoles? There's just no getting around the fact that income is low in the beginning - so level your Monarch as quickly as possible. Choose a Quest that has a lot of XP as loot and do tons of Daily Responsibilities - anything to shoot up his level. High level Monarchs will bring in a tidy sum.
Throne Room
Every time you begin a 'New Game' Kingdom or continue Questing in a current Ambition you're first taken to Kingdom Mode and will be staring straight at the Throne Room. The Throne Room/Castle is the building associated with the Monarch. On the first floor you have the actual Throne Room where you hear Petitions, an adjoining work area that holds the Scribe Table and Tactical Map, and an opposing area that holds a card table and bookshelf. After you hit 60 Renown, a Reception area will be added on to the Castle at no charge. The 2nd floor has sleeping quarters, a bathing room, and an cooking/eating room that also has a barrel for wines/ales to mentally prepare you for Ye Olde Daily Responsibilities.
I really like the Scholarly and Dedicated traits for Monarchs. In fact, they're some of my all-around favorite traits for all Heroes. Scholarly Heroes can receive a nice buff from reading a book (about an hour of work) or examining various objects in the game world which yield a 2-hour +15 to Focus Fascinated Buff. Just keep clicking the set of armor on the 2nd floor for your Monarch to examine and he'll be Fascinated every day! "Hmmmm...where did this come from?"
Dedicated Heroes are sometimes hit with a 3rd Daily Responsibility - a chance for more XP and to keep Focus high with extended buffs. A Dedicated Hero that completes 3 Daily Responsibilities in a timely manner is awarded a powerful 13-Hour +50 to Focus Job Well Done Buff.
As far as Fatal Flaws go, choose Cruel for the win! Makes sense for a Monarch, right? Your Monarch is dealt a -20 to Focus Pent-up Anger Buff-nearly every day it seems. But, it's not a big deal because there always seems to be plenty of Sims roaming about the Throne Room. Just click on the nearest victim and choose from the various Mean options. The Fight options will eliminate the Buff as well, but hey, time is money and you're a busy Monarch. Just let a little spit fly in their face to show them who's boss. No need to break their jaw too.

Monarch Activities
The Monarch carries the biggest stick in the Kingdom, and as such, he has a few truly unique activities. Click on another Sim and you'll see Monarch options. They are:
- Threaten For Money. This is really funny to watch and allows your Monarch to employ the Al Capone "you better pay me or else" method of leadership. Need some extra Simoles for that more expensive bed? Just whip out your sword and go find some unlucky peasants.
- Send to Stocks. Did a peasant just dare to look at you the wrong way? You're the Monarch! Send them to the stocks and throw an egg at their face for good measure.
- Send to Pit The ultimate penalty. Yes, you can walk around your Kingdom and randomly invoke your own method of population control by sending Sims to the Pit of Judgment. However, if certain Sims are required for completing Quests, then the Send to Pit option will be grayed out. Otherwise, you can feed the beast!
- Patrol Road or Seaway: Monarchs can select the road by the Forest or Village Shoppe to go on patrols. They can also patrol from the dock. This will allow them to move the relationship bar with a Foreign Alliance into the positive. See the Edicts page for more details.
Swordplay Options
Also under the Monarch list of interactions with other Sims is the possibility of swordplay-Spar, Challenge to Duel, and Challenge to Duel to the Death. But, like the Send to Pit option is not available for everyone - swordfight options are also limited. For example, your Monarch can spar and duel with guards, but not common peasants...
"My Lord, I have no sword."
"Enough talk. Thrust at me with that frog you're holding."
Once your opponent accepts the challenge to spar or duel, the fight cues pops up on the top left of the screen and you then have the option to tailor your attacks, for example Balanced Stance vs. Furious Onslaught or Steeled Defense. The various stances offer different benefits and weaknesses. Health and Stamina bars are tracked as the fight progresses.
Practicing on the Training Dummy in the Training Yard will yield more experience and add to the hidden skill of swordfighting. Higher level Heroes unlock special combat moves. And success in fights net you positive Buffs like Combat Ready (+10 Focus) and Victorious (+15 Focus).
A lot goes into the outcome of a swordfight-the main components are the hidden skill level of both opponents, Focus, and equipped gear (armor and sword). Of course, once you acquire better gear, don't forget to actually click on the items to equip them or else you may be taking a long nap like Lord Vincent...
Daily Responsibilities
Like all Heroes in the game, the Monarch will be tasked with 2 Daily Responsibilities at 9 am. Completing one quickly is always a good idea for that sweet +20 Job Well Done buff. If your Monarch is already at the Focus cap, then you might want to direct his attention to completing Quest components; but, if he's still not capped and your medal meter is not at triple speed, then knocking out the 2nd Responsibility pumps the Job Well Done buff to +35. Here are the various Monarch Daily Responsibilities:
- Write 2 New Laws. Simply click on the Burdley Revival Oak Scribe Table and cue up 2 separate Write New Law interactions.
- Write Treaty of Ongoing Peace. Same deal as writing new laws-click on the Scribe Table. "Dear Lord Buttisimo of Aarbyville. You love war. I love war. But, what the heck...Let's keep chillin' for now."
- Pass an Edict. Is this some secret chamber pot interaction? No. Passing Edicts is done at the Tactical Map and is not too difficult. The key to remember is simply voting on the Edict that is favorable. Here's what you do: Click on the Tactical Map and select Propose Edict. Make a choice, then click Propose. Click the Tactical Map again and select Monitor Edict Support. Then you'll see which Edict is being favored. Finally, Click the Map again and Call for Vote. Simply vote on the favorable Edict - chances are it will not be the one you proposed, but that's okay. You're simply trying to get something to pass to fulfill your Daily Responsibility. Passing an Edict has the nice benefit of a +15 3-hour buff.
- Hear 3 Petitions. Just click on the Throne to Hold Court. Locals will be summoned in front of the Monarch and make their petition. You'll then see a brief description of the petition and can either grant it or deny it. Your decisions affect your popularity.
- Hunt for Great Bear Click the forest and select this focus-driven activity. This will often result in a tidy quantity of Bear Meat, which is used in some of the best recipes.
- Ask 2 Citizens About Life in Kingdom I like to befriend a couple of the guards or Royal Advisor. Then, when this one comes up, you don't have to worry about getting close to some peasant to pull off the social interaction.