The Sims Medieval Spy Hero Class Guide
Poisons, Leveling, and Earning Money With the Spy Profession
by Tom "Metro" Schlueter
Hero Overview
Spies are very unique Heroes in Sims Medieval. In this Guide to the Spy, you'll learn that the Spy has a unique ability to help offset early money problems, solid Trait/Fatal Flaw choices, as well as mastering the interactions the make the Spy a fun Hero to play.

Leveling the Spy
Venturing out into the game world early on to collect the necessary ingredients for potions isn't a bad idea and will yield experience. You can also sell extra ingredients that are not needed. Training on the Spy Quarters Training Dummy, crafting, pickpocketing, writing secret documents at the scribe table-all of these things will assist your Spy in leveling. Of course, the most important thing is to gun for that shiny Platinum Medal while using the Spy as a Hero.

The only unique ability/unlock worth mentioning comes at level 5 when a Spy can steal from a Messenger Box. How cool is that? James Bond netted $237 from his first attempt on the Messenger Box outside the Throne Room...

So, aside from stealing from Messenger Boxes, increased Spy levels bring the typical benefits you'd expect - more combat moves and combat stances, increased chance of successful pickpocketing, better chance at crafting poisons, etc.
Earning Money as a Spy
While most Sims Medieval Heroes are scraping by at the beginning, Spies have some nice abilities to make things easier. At the get-go, Spies have a unique interaction with other Sims - pickpocket. And the interaction is hilarious (well, the first couple of times it is) with the Spy swiping a large bag of money right from the unlucky sap on the receiving end. This is unquestionably your quickest way to offset low funds at the beginning as a Spy. Quite often you'll receive pickpocket amounts in the $120 to $150 range. Be careful with Pickpocket if the target is yellow. If you fail, there's a high chance you'll go off to the stocks. Raise that focus through good buffs and you'll improve your chances.
Another great income source is making one of the many available poisons and simply selling them if they're not needed for a Quest or Daily Responsibility. Like the Monarch, the Spy has Threaten for Money and Hunting options too.
Spy Quarters
The Spy Quarters are not available until a Reception Hall has been added to the Throne Room (60 Renown required for that). So, if you're just starting your Kingdom, you'll need to knock out a couple Quests before you even have the Renown necessary to add the Spy Quarters. Once you do have the Renown and place the Spy Quarters, it will be tacked on to the right of the Reception Hall...

I chose Scholarly and Adventurous for my James Bond. Scholarly Heroes get nice Buffs from reading books and examining objects, netting the Read a Great Book and Fascinated Buffs. Adventurous Sims love to go on adventures, so it just seemed appropriate for a Spy. I sent James on a couple Adventures (making sure to do so when his Focus was already capped, so the option was green) and it resulted in a What a Great Adventure! +20 Focus 11-hr Buff. As far as Fatal Flaws go for a Spy, Drunkard isn't too bad. I mean the wine barrel is right there in the Spy Quarters, so let's get lots of use from it, right? (Hic...braaap) When I played the Monarch and chose Cruel he constantly was hit with Pent-Up Anger, but the Drunkard's Needs a Drink negative Buff does not seem to fire as often as Pent-Up Anger. I just made it a routine to have James Take a Drink before heading out and that prevented that Buff from even happening.
A Spy's Role in Diplomacy
Spies can patrol seaways and roads to help improve diplomacy with the various Foreign Kingdoms. See the Edicts page for more information.
Spy Activities and Interactions
In the Spy Quarters you have a Scribe Table which you can click to Write Secret Documents, and the Crafting Table where you craft poisons. Here are the various poisons available -
- Vomicious Venom - A dialed down poison. Belladonna (3), Lordleaf (1), Seeds (2)
- Truth Tonic - When you've got to have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Belladonna (2), Grassweed (4), Sagewort (3)
- Pestilence Poison - Want to give a Sim something similar to the plague? Here you go. Belladonna (3), Bloodmoss (4), Nightshade (2), Sagewort (1)
- Preparation Potion - Leave the training dummy for the other dummies. Get Combat Ready from a bottle. Belladonna (1), Eagewood (2), Wildflowers (2)
- Rejuvenating Reagent - Too many swordfights resulting in fatigue? Get rejuvenated. Angelwood (1), Bloodmoss (2), Nightshade (1), Valoroot (2)
- Coagulating Compound - Instantly stops bleeding. Bloodmoss (3), Nightshade (1), Sagewort (2)
- Combustion Cordial - Give Sims that sought after singed look! Englewood (2), Grassweed (2), Seeds (2)
The Spy can also use the Tactical Map in the Throne Room and Pass Edicts. Here are some additional Spy Interactions:
- Pickpocket Click on a Sim and you'll see the Pickpocket interaction in the list of Spy options. Try and make sure it's green or you run the risk of being thrown in the stocks.
- Eavesdrop This is only available if you click a Sim having a conversation with another Sim. You'll have good success at the Town Square and in the Throne Room where there always seems to be plenty of Sims talking.
- Swordplay Options Like the Monarch and Knight, the Spy has swordplay options, but again, depending on who the target is - you may or may not see those options.
After you choose a "combat stance" and the health and stamina bars pop up in the top left, you can click on your opponent and also choose a special "combat move" - such as Mortal Blow (unlocked when a Spy hits level 5).

Daily Responsibilities
The Spy has quite a list of Daily Responsibilities that the game chooses from:
- Pay Taxes Just find a Messenger Post and drop your money inside.
- Feed the Beast The beast in the Pit of Judgment likes red meat, so hunt to get food for it.
- Make a Secret Drop Click the mail post box.
- Pickpocket Traveling Merchant This is another simple one to accomplish, just make sure your Spy's Focus is capped so the interaction has a green bubble resulting in a high chance of success.
- Break Someone Out of Stocks Prepare for frustration. You can be given this Daily Responsibility, have Focus completely maxed out, and even be at level 5 or 6 of the Spy profession and you'll still only have a Medium chance of success (yellow bubble). So, to be honest, I'm not quite sure why that's the case. It can be really tough because your want to avoid the Shirked Responsibility buff and if you do not successfully pick the lock, then the constable shows up and puts your Spy in the stocks!
- Eavesdrop on a Conversation As I mentioned above, the Town Square and Throne Room are good areas to accomplish this Daily Responsibility. Just click on a Sim that's having a conversation with someone.
- Pass an Edict This one is a bit odd. You'd think it would be a Monarch-only activity, but the Spy is also capable of passing Edicts. Click on the Tactical Map in the Throne Room and go through the steps outlined in the Monarch Guide.
- Craft and Deliver a Vomicious Venom On the 2nd floor of the Spy Quarters is the crafting table. Click on craft and you'll see the various potions a spy can make with the ingredients listed as well. As always, Focus is key - the higher the focus (and the higher the level of the Spy) the greater chance crafting a potion will be successful.
- Sail to Foreign Territory Click the ship at port and off you go.
- Press 3 Adults for Information Another funny interaction with your Spy whipping out his blade and putting it to the throat of a Sim --